Placement of an intraocular prosthesis is the most cosmetic of all glaucoma surgeries performed for comfort. While most dogs are candidates, those with significant corneal disease (corneal ulceration, dry eye, etc) or those with an intraocular tumor are not ideal candidates for this procedure. In the picture to the right, the left eye is a prosthetic while the right eye is normal.
A chemical ablation is also referred to as an intraocular injection. This procedure is usually performed in older dogs as it does not require general anesthesia, but can be completed in most dogs with chronic glaucoma. A combination of two medications is injected into the eye which causes atrophy of the "faucet" part of the eye allowing the pressure to decrease. Since the faucet is destroyed, the eye commonly shrinks (called phthisis bulbi) which is a comfortable and desired effect.
Enucleation refers to removal of the eye and then permanently closing the eyelids. This is the preferred procedure for glaucomatous eyes that have concurrent intraocular or surface ocular disease. Although we would never want to have our eye removed, our pets fortunately do not have the psychological attachment to their body parts that we do. Most pets are comfortable very shortly after the procedure and never have to worry about another eye disease ever.